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Title: Enabling Communication in Children with Autism
Author(s): Potter, Carol; Whittaker, Chris
Published: 2001
Copies: 2
Summary: The early stages of lingustic and social interaction are crucial in the development of every child, but particularly in children with autism. Potter and Whittaker show how these children may be significantly affected by a range of social and environmental influences, including classroom management, levels of motivation and interaction with adults and other children. From their clinical, practical and classroom research they show how the communication skills of children with autism can be helped by the skilful use of an integrated range of strategies and approaches. As well as providing an overview of the major theoretical issues involved, Enabling Communication in Children with Autism provides practical ways of modifying unhelpful environments in order to enhance communication skills. Potter and Whittaker argue that encouraging spontaneous communication should be viewed as a major educational goal and that children with minimal or no speech can and do communicate when they have access to enabling environments. The creation of such environments forms the central theme of this book.
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