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Title: User Guide to the GF/CF Diet for Autism, Aspergers Syndrome and AD/HD
Author(s): Jackson, Luke
Published: 2002
Copies: 2
Summary: What is the glueten and casein free diet? Does it work? What's it like to go on it? Luke Jackson, who is 12 years old and has Asperger Syndrome, tells you everything you need to know - both good and bad. He offers encouragement and practical advice on what to expect when beginning the diet, how to alleviate any initial discomfort, and how to live with the diet. Appendices by Luke's mother provide some of the family's favorite recipes, extensive lists of useful addresses, a food diary for an average week, and suggestions for packed lunches, making the book a really practical source of information.
Parent Comments: This book is a follow up to Luke Jackson's first book, Freaks Geeks and Asperger's Syndrome, which is a real gem. Very similar in style to Kenneth Hall's book, Luke writes with clarity that is way beyond his years. His second book shows us his vast knowledge of the GF diet and his own experiences with it. I would recommend his first book more than this one, but they are both extremely well written. Nick Dubin M.A ED

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