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Title: Autism Spectrum Disorder, Developmental Disabilities, and the Criminal Justice System - Breaking the Cycle
Author(s): Dubin, Nick
Published: 2021
Copies: 1
Summary: For autistic people who find themselves facing a criminal charge, understanding how the features of autism may have contributed to their behavior can be vital context for their defense. In this insightful book, Nick Dubin explores how and why autistic people get caught up in the criminal justice system. He delves into what steps can be taken to prevent autistic people committing crimes and what should be done to ensure their fair and appropriate treatment if they are charged with a crime. It covers everything from prevention to the aftermath of sentencing, including available counselling and therapy.
Nick's personal experience and meticulous research shows that criminal justice can be an oppressive system that misunderstands and stigmatizes autistic people, especially low-risk individuals and those with less criminal responsibility.
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