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Title: Developing Leisure Time Skills for Persons with Autism - A Practical Approach for Home School and Community
Author(s): Coyne, Patricia; Nyberg, Colleen; Vandenburg, Mary Lou
Published: 1999
Copies: 1
Summary: Free time should be part of the day that all kids look forward to. But for many children on the autism spectrum, it is a painfully unstructured part of the day defined by anxiety and fear. This book provides comprehensive, structured strategies to help adults introduce meaningful activities to ASD children, which they can practice at school or at home. The first half of the book provides forms and charts that will help adults assess the child's sensory needs, select age-appropriate activities, and then determine level of interest in specific activities. The second half provides numerous ""Activity Cards"" for going to the park, playing games, listening to music, and many more!
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