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Title: A full Life with Autislm
Author(s): Sicile-Kira, Chantal; Sicile-Kira, Jeremy
Published: 2012
Copies: 1
Summary: A guide for helping our children lead meaningful and independent lives as they reach adulthood In the next five years, hundreds of thousands of children with autism spectrum disorder will reach adulthood. And while diagnosis and treatment for children has improved in recent years, parents want to know: What happens to my child when I am no longer able to care for or assist him? Autism expert Chantal Sicile-Kira and her son Jeremy offer real solutions to a host of difficult questions, including how young adults of different abilities and their parents can: *navigate this new economy where adult service resources are scarce *cope with the difficulties of living apart from the nuclear family *find, and keep a job that provides meaning, stability and an income *create and sustain fulfilling relationships

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