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Title: Acting for Kids on the Autistic Spectrum
Author(s): Wolf, Alisa M.Ed.
Published: 2005
Copies: 1
Summary: This is a ?must have? book for anyone who works with actors, autism or not. Remarkable insights and motivation are on every page, with valuable help for actors, directors and writers. Congratulations on a much-needed addition to every theatrical library. ?Emmy Awarding Winning Producer, Al Burton Alisa Wolf has written a terrific guidebook on how to use acting as an effective and fun therapy for kids on the autistic spectrum. Helpful, clear and thorough, this is an excellent map to aid in anyone?s education. ?Award Winning Producer, John Landis. In the book, Acting: for Kids on the Autistic Spectrum, the author has come up with yet another wonderful tool in the ongoing struggle to break the bonds this insidious condition has wrapped around our children. ?Tony Award Winning Actor, Joe Mantegna

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