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Title: Asperger's Syndrome (Tony Attwood)
Author(s): Attwood, Tony
Published: 1999
Copies: 1
Summary: Tony Attwood's guide will assist parents and professionals with the identification, treatment and care of both children and adults with Asperger's Syndrome. The book provides a description and analysis of the unusual characteristics of the syndrome and practical strategies to reduce those that are most conspicuous or debilitating. Beginning with a chapter on diagnosis, including an assessment test, the book covers all aspects of the syndrome from language to social behaviour and motor clumsiness, concluding with a chapter based on the questions most frequently asked by those who come into contact with individuals with this syndrome. Covering the available literature in full, this guide brings together the most relevant and useful information on Asperger's Syndrome, incorporating case studies from the author's own practical experience as a Clinical Psychologist, with examples of, and numerous quotations from people with Asperger's Syndrome.
Parent Comments: This is probably considered the primer "video" on Asperger's Syndrome. Tony Atwood is known worldwide as the leading authroity on the subject. During part of his studies he was fortunate enough to train under the legendary Uta Frith. In this video, he introduces the viewer to Asperger's through case studies, research, observation and ancedotal evidence. Dr. Atwood is an extremely dynamic presenter. The one downfall of this video is the price. I have to be honest, I was highly disappointed to find out that this video cost over $100. In a time when families are in crisis are struggling to get accurate information, I would think that Dr. Atwood(or the distributor) would want to make this video a little more affordable for the average family. $100 seems to me to be extremely overpriced. Nick Dubin M.A, ED

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