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Title: Designing Comprehensive Interventions for Individuals with High-Functioning Autism and Asperger Syndrome: The Ziggurat Model ? Instruction Manual
Author(s): Aspy, Ruth, Ph.D.; Grossman, Barry G., Ph.D.
Published: 2008
Copies: 1
Summary: This instructor manual serves as a companion to the textbook and includes the following features for instructors' use: main points of each chapter provide a refresher prior to reviewing case study reminders, recommendations for in-class activities, project ideas, paper topic ideas, Power Point[trademark] presentations, chapter tests, and the comprehensive exam, reminders to generate case studies or real-life stories based on instructors' professional and personal experiences aid in enhancing instructor-student enthusiasm and engagement, suggestions for in-class activities related to each chapter assist instructors in incorporating active learning in their courses, suggested project ideas save instructors planning time - whether an assignment at the beginning of the semester, a semester-long project, or project relevant to a specific chapter and suggested topics for student papers provide instructors with ideas as they develop course assignments.

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