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Title: Understanding Death and Illness and What They Teach About Life: An Interactive Guide for Individuals with Autism or Asperger?s and their Loved Ones
Author(s): Faherty, Catherine
Published: 2008
Copies: 1
Summary: Finally, family members and professionals have true guidance for these difficult, but necessary, conversations. Author Catherine Faherty offers detailed, concrete explanations of illness, dying, life after death, losing a pet, and numerous other issues. Her descriptions are written with such care; even caregivers will be comforted by her words. The Communication Forms following each short topic will engage learners and include them in the conversation, allowing them to share personal experiences, thoughts, and concerns. Wonderful chapters such as "What People May Learn When Facing Death" and "Role Models and Mentors" put death into perspective in terms of life, and encourage us all to live fully. Catherine covers important topics such as: illness and injury, recuperating and healing, when someone is dying, what happens to the person who dies, putting pets to sleep, rituals and traditions, what to say and do, and many more topics.

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