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Title: Initiations and Interactions: Early Intervention Techniques for Parents of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders
Author(s): Cardon, Teresa A., M.A., CCC-SLP
Published: 2007
Copies: 1
Summary: Research suggests an early start is the key to a successful intervention for children diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder. What many don't know is that research also shows that for most early intervention programs to be effective, they must involve a child's primary caregivers, especially when it comes to such an all-pervasive area as communication. This book does not advocate that parents steer clear of therapists and specialists. Instead, it attempts to put more control in the parents' hands. Without adding to parents' already busy schedules, Teresa Cardon, a speech language pathologist and author of best-selling Let's Talk Emotions (see page 33), discusses the importance of creating a communication environment in the home. Simple everyday tools include deliberate use of books, toys, visual schedules, and labeling, among others. If your child is currently receiving several therapies, or if you are trying on your own to help encourage and foster communication interactions with your child, take the tools you find helpful in this book and make sure that a "family-centered" approach is part of your weekly regime. If your child is one of the thousands who have been "wait-listed" for services, wait no more - the tools are at your fingertips!
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