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Title: Life with a Partner or Spouse with Asperger Syndrome: Going ove the Edge?
Author(s): Marshack, Kathy Ph.D.
Published: 2009
Copies: 1
Summary: Life with a Partner or Spouse with Asperger Syndrome: Going Over the Edge? delves into the dramatic impact of Asperger Syndrome on the complex world of adult interpersonal relationships. Written by a psychologist who shares poignant true stories - based on her own life as well as the lives of her clients - the book focuses on how partners/spouses of someone with AS can take back his or her life and find true meaning and happiness. Other books on relationship enhancement don't come close to addressing the problems that some NTs (neurotypicals) have with their Asperger loved ones. Unfortunately, when there's a lack of understanding, relationships often become strained. Worse yet, conflicts can escalate to damaging proportions, involving divorce, domestic violence and depression. The author dives right into these sensitive issues and shows readers how to take control of their lives and grow away from dysfunctional behavior and dysfunctional relationships. Each chapter closes with a series of "Lessons Learned" that recap the main points of the chapter and offer new ways to look at these very unique challenges. This book will shed light on many who suffer in silence and, with increased understanding, will make a difference in the happiness of many people.

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