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Title: Teaching Children with Autism in the General Classroom
Author(s): Spencer, Vicky G., Ph.D.; Simpson, Cynthia G., Ph.D.
Published: 2009
Copies: 2
Summary: Recent special education legislation has led to a rise in inclusion classrooms, where students with special needs, including autism spectrum disorders, are taught alongside their nondisabled peers. Teaching Children with Autism in the General Classroom provides an introduction to inclusionary practices that serve children with autism, giving teachers the practical advice they need to ensure each student receives the quality education he or she deserves. Promoting field-tested strategies and techniques, this book offers teachers sound advice for creating a classroom environment conducive to learning success for children with autism spectrum disorders. The easy-to-use tips and tools included also aide teachers in organizing and managing their classrooms to maximize instruction for students of all ability levels. Detailed resource guides and concise overviews of special education legislation also are provided to give general education teachers a solid background of knowledge about autism and the needs of students with the disorder.

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