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Title: Parenting A Child with Asperger Syndrome - 20 Tips and Strategies
Author(s): Boyd, Brenda
Published: 2003
Copies: 1
Summary: For parents of children with Asperger Syndrome (AS) ordinary care and parenting just doesn't always do it - AS kids need a different approach. Brenda is mother to eleven-year-old Kenneth Hall, author of Asperger Syndrome, the Universe and Everything, and since his diagnosis at the age of eight she has gathered together the parenting ideas and tips that have had a positive effect on Kenneth's life. Among other aspects, Brenda discusses parents' reaction to their child's AS, from pre-diagnosis to acceptance of the condition, and gives advice on how parents can better understand 'Planet Asperger'. With an extensive section of practical tips for issues such as anger management and communication, this book will help parents to respond positively to the challenge of AS and find the 'treasure' in their child's way of being.
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