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Title: Parenting an Adult with Disabilities or Special Needs - Everything You Need to Know to Plan for and Protech Your Child's Future
Author(s): Morgan, Peggy Lou
Published: 2009
Copies: 1
Summary: Every parent of a child with disabilities knows just how overwhelming and frustrating it can be. When these children enter adulthood, the difficulties can become even greater. Many parents are tempted to keep their children at home, believing that they will be safer and happier under their care. But adults with special needs deserve the same chance at a happy life as everyone else. As the mother of an adult child with disabilities, Peggy Lou Morgan has years of experience dealing with the challenges these adults face every day. She believes that the most loving thing parents can do for their children is to prepare them to leave home in a way that works best for them. In Parenting an Adult with Disabilities or Special Needs, she gives parents invaluable advice on: teaching their adult child to be a self-advocate, helping their child cope with relationships, helping their child find a good vocational program, finding an apartment and a roommate, and understanding government programs that can help their children while they become more independent. Compassionate and thorough, this guide will help readers to ensure that their children leave the nest with confidence and joy.
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