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Title: Asperger Syndrome An Owner's Manual 2 for Older Adolescents and Adults What You, Your Parents and Friends and Your Employer Need to Know
Author(s): Korin, Ellen S. M.Ed
Published: 2007
Copies: 1
Summary: Asperger Syndrome: An Owner s Manual 2 for Older Adolescents and Adults is the eagerly anticipated sequel to Asperger Syndrome--An Owner s Manual, primarily written for middle school-age children. Using the same easy-to-follow format, this interactive workbook deals with issues that older adolescents and adults face such as relationships, marriage, independent living, employment, self-care, etc. The author uses the nonagram, a nine-pointed star symbolizing achievement and completeness to visually guide readers through each major section of the book This much-needed resource is designed to inform and support individuals with AS as they come to grips with their strengths and challenges and plan for a successful adulthood within the neurotypical world.

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