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Title: The NEw Language of Toys - Teaching Communication Skills to Children with Special Needs
Author(s): Schwartz, Sue, PhD.
Published: 2004
Copies: 1
Summary: (2004 iParenting Media Award Winner) Many young children with special needs experience language delays and need additional help to build language skills. What better way to encourage communication development than through play? The completely updated third edition of THE NEW LANGUAGE OF TOYS, a perennial favorite of parents, speech-language pathologists, and early interventionists, offers a plan for doing just that. The new edition presents sixty-five new toys and accompanying toy dialogs to use with children with a wide range of special needs from birth through age six. These sample toy dialogs show parents how to play purposefully with their child--using store-bought and homemade toys--to provide language learning opportunities and stimulate language development. The exercises are fun and educational, too, as parents help their child build receptive language skills (understanding), expressive language skills (communicating), and speech. THE NEW LANGUAGE OF TOYS is organized by language developmental ages and each section includes: toy dialogs; numerous photographs; a toy list; a list of suggested vocabulary and communication concepts; children's book bibliography; a checklist to track progress. In addition, this book provides important background information about language, its sequential development, the causes of language delays, and how play can enhance language development. It also explains the use of videos, DVDs, television, and the computer as language enhancers. The resource lists are extensive, offering toy manufacturers and catalogs, support organizations, children's book information, and suggested materials for homemade toys.

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