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Title: Planning for the Future - Providing a Meaningful Life for a Child with a Disability after Your Death
Author(s): Russell, L. Mark, J.D., Grant, Arnold E., J.D., Joseph, Suzanne M., C.F.P., Fee, Richard W., M.Ed., M.A.
Published: 1994
Copies: 1
Summary: From the Publisher
The single most important concern in the mind of any parent who has a child with a disability, regardless of the age of the child, is what will happen to the child after the parent has died. Plannig for the Future discusses, in easy to understand way, all the steps that parents should take to ensure a secure life for their son or daughter. The book answers every question the authors have been asked over their collective 30-plus years of experience in advising families who have a son or daughter with a disability.
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