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Title: Parenting with Positive Behavior Support
Author(s): Hieneman, Childs, Karen, Sergay, Jane
Published: 2006
Copies: 1
Summary: From the Publisher
Positive Behavior Support (PBS) - it's already been highly effective in schools and community programs across the country, and it can transform family life, too. This is the practical guide parents need to bring PBS into the home. Developed by parents and professionals with extensive experience in PBS, Parenting with Positive Behavior Support introduces this creative problem-solving approach to behavior and translates the research behind PBS into concrete strategies every parent can understand and use. Parents will get easy-to-follow guidelines for identifying behaviors of concern, understanding the reasons behind the behaviors, and effectively intervening through three basic methods: preventing problems, replacing behavior, and managing consequences. A must-have resource for families and the professionals who support them!
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