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Title: From Yuck to Yum
Author(s): Hughes, Kathy OTR
Published: 2006
Copies: 1
Summary: A child who may be more than a "picky eater" might view foods as painful, thereby affecting socialization, physical and emotional maturity. From Yuck to Yum! introduces Matthew as a boy suffering from classic oral-sensitivity. He also exhibits several non-food sensitivities: an aversion to shirt tags; strong emotional reactions to brushing teeth and haircuts; an over-reaction to noise. From Yuk to Yum! helps parents and children understand why these patterns exist, and how they can be changed. Readers travel with Matthew as he undergoes therapy and shows immediate improvement. We share his pleasure as he adds one food after another to his list of foods, and his relief as peer pressure is reduced. From Yuck to Yum! is a valuable insight for parents and children, Pediatricians, Occupational Therapists, Speech/Language Pathologists, and other medical specialists who work with this often misunderstood condition.
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