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Title: Special Diets for Special Kids
Author(s): Lewis, Lisa
Published: 1998
Copies: 3
Summary: From the Publisher: Combine 1 part research with 2 parts practical, hands-on information, add a dash of humor and season well with years of experience. Within the pages of this book Lisa Lewis explains, in an easy and readable manner, a complex yet intriguing intervention strategy for helping children and adults with autism. Drawing upon her own success with removing gluten and casein from her son's diet, she answers the many questions parents and professionals might have about choosing a dietary intervention. Why choose a special diet? Are there tests to help me decide? Is there research to support this type of intervention? Will my child starve? What do I cook? Also within these pages are over 150 good-tasting recipes to get started on the diet?everything from Spaghetti & Meatballs to Holiday treats and sweets to edible clay! A MUST-HAVE book for anyone thinking about the benefits of a special diet.

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