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Title: Everything Parent's Guide to Children with Asperger's Syndrome, The
Author(s): Stillman, William
Published: 2005
Copies: 1
Summary: As a parent of a child with Asperger's syndrome, you may wonder what to expect as your son or daughter journeys through childhood. Your son is of average or above average intelligence, but how will he handle a fast-paced school atmosphere? Your daughter has little difficulty talking to adults, but how will she interact with her peers? With The Everything Parent's Guide to Children with Asperger's Syndrome at your side, you'll take the first steps toward understanding this pervasive development disorder and how it may impact your child. This complete handbook for coping with daily life helps you: Get a diagnosis and understand the results Discover the best options for education and learning Work to improve your child's social skills Identify triggers that lead to sensory overload, such as sounds, bright lights, or certain textures and fabrics Recognize symptoms of meltdowns and work with your child to prevent them Educate family and friends about Asperger's to provide a supportive and loving environment Explore other resources, including reading lists, Web sites, and support groups The Everything Parent's Guide to Children with Asperger's Syndrome shows you how you can maintain a positive attitude, honor your child's unique experience, and strengthen the bond between you and your child.

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