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Title: Autism Through A Sister's Eyes
Author(s): Band, Eva B.; Hecht, Emily
Published: 2001
Copies: 1
Summary: When young people have questions about a brother or sister with high-functioning autism or Asperger's Syndrome clear answers can be hard to find. "Why does Daniel do that?" is the question ten-year-old Emily recalled asking her parents as a young child when she first sought to understand her older brother and his differences. Written by Eve Band, Ph.D., a clinical psychologist, this book gives voice to Emily's actual story: her questions about her brother, her search for answers about autism, her exploration of her feelings as a sibling of a high-functioning autistic brother. Told in her voice, Emily's story is as uplifting as it is filled with valuable information for parents and siblings, or any individual whose life is touched by a person with high-functioning autism or Asperger's Syndrome
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