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Title: Solutions for Adults with Asperger Syndrome: Maximizing the Benefits, Minimizing the Drawbacks to Achieve Success
Author(s): Lovett, Juanita
Published: 2005
Copies: 1
Summary: Thomas Edison. Albert Einstein. Half of NASA. These are all extremely intelligent, successful adults who made great contributions to society and who are also suspected of having the developmental disorder called Asperger Syndrome. This relatively new diagnosis is being increasingly applied to both children and adults-in fact, it is now seen as running in familes. There are a lot of books on how to successfully raise children with AS, but until now, adults were left to figure it out on their own. Dr. Juanita Lovett specializes in treating adults with AS and working with their families. In this book she shows those adults and their loved ones how to maximize the benefits of AS (including intense concentration, above-average intelligence, and high creativity) while minimizing the drawbacks (including lack of social skill, inability to connect emotionally with others, and propensity toward rage). This important new book will help thousands of adults with AS learn to live happier, more fulfilling lives.

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