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Title: Because We Can Change The World: A Practical Guide to Building Cooperative, Inclusive Classroom Communities
Author(s): Sapon-Shevin, Mara
Published: 1999
Copies: 1
Summary: With the increase of diverse students in all classrooms, pre-service and in-service teachers often find themselves overwhelmed with how to provide a quality learning community that is inclusive of all students. This book delivers hope, promise, and practical goals for teachers who wish to create a warm, respectful, and nurturing learning environment for their students, that will, in turn, inspire students to make a difference in their classroom community and the world beyond. Discussing theory through vignettes and presenting practical activities, the book helps teachers show children how to understand and accept differences among themselves and in the world in a way that empowers them to make a difference. This book includes practical strategies for teachers, including cooperative games, children's literature selections and activities, and songs which establish a supportive environment. Includes ideas on handling teasing, bullying, and exclusion, also how to handle hard topics such as racism, poverty, differences in families, and students with disabilities. For pre-service and in-service teachers, educators, and administrators in the areas of early childhood, elementary, special education, and multicultural and diversity education.

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