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Title: Could It Be Autism? A Parent's Guide To The First Signs and Next Steps
Author(s): Wiseman, Nancy
Published: 2006
Copies: 1
Summary: The number of children affected by autism--an umbrella term for a wide spectrum of disorders that includes "classic" autism, Asperger's Syndrome, and Rett Syndrome--is growing every year. Most children are not diagnosed until they start school. But developmental problems can appear in infants as young as four months old. Early intervention can vastly improve a child's chances for a successful outcome and, for some, even recovery. Could It Be Autism? provides parents with vital information so they can recognize the red flags of developmental delays and begin intensive intervention as early as possible.
Nancy Wiseman is the mother of a child who was diagnosed with autism at the age of two, and she draws on her own stories as well as the latest research to present real solutions parents can use. Emphasizing the need to look for early warning signs, she describes the most important milestones at each stage of a child's growth, including aspects of development parents often overlook. Her easy-to-use milestones checklist is an indispensable tool for determining whether a child has difficulties that demand immediate attention. She explains early screening tests, helps parents to navigate the referral and diagnostic process, offers suggestions for creating an appropriate treatment plan together with physicians and other experts, and gives inspiring examples of children who have benefited from early and intensive intervention.
Accessible, authoritative, and eminently practical, Could It Be Autism? will help to improve the lives of thousands of children
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