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Title: Like Colour to the Blind: Soul Searching and Soul Finding
Author(s): Williams, Donna
Published: 1999
Copies: 2
Summary: Beyond the world of Nobody Nowhere, Donna Williams found friendship and a sense of belonging in Somebody Somewhere. Now, in Like Colour to the Blind, Donna Williams enters the most exposing and fragile realm of human interaction: her relationship and eventual marriage with someone with whom she can 'simply be', a relationship she terms a 'specialship'. But loving involves exposure, and in a relationship that exposure is inescapable and everywhere. To truly love, Donna must expose the very things which protected her all her life - the masks she has hidden behind, the patchwork creations which stood in place of self. She must learn to find a want, to give and to take from others, to reach behind the polite social facades and trained gestures." In Donna's relationship with Ian, a man with difficulties related to her own, we watch the two of them break through their rock-solid emotional barriers and let go control, daring to defy all the rules imposed by the autistic condition of 'exposure anxiety' and freefalling, together. Their struggle is told with Donna's characteristic gutsy humour, brutal insight and sense of fragility.

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